Nitty Gritty of Nutrition Vol. 1 - It Starts with Mindset
Jordan Smuts Jordan Smuts

Nitty Gritty of Nutrition Vol. 1 - It Starts with Mindset

We get a lot of questions at the gym about nutrition and I plan on diving into it over the course of the next few weeks, months, who knows - maybe even years. But, the value of the practical advice in the world of nutrition pales in comparison to the mindset you have and the headspace you are in when those conversations take place.

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For Every 5 Workouts …
Jordan Smuts Jordan Smuts

For Every 5 Workouts …

“In a group of five workouts, I tend to have one great workout, the kind of workout that makes me think in just a few weeks I could be an Olympic champion, plus maybe Mr. Olympia. Then, I have one workout that’s so awful the mere fact I continue to exist as a somewhat higher form of life is a miracle. Finally, the other three workouts are punch-the-clock workouts: I go in, work out, and walk out. Most people experience this.” - Dan John

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Stop Light Injury Philosophy
Jordan Smuts Jordan Smuts

Stop Light Injury Philosophy

AT ROI, we are primarily working with adults that have plenty of “wear on the tires” from a life well lived. Whether it is a continuation from some old athletic injuries back in high school or some chronic aches and pains from beating up your body over the years, we’ve all got some stuff that pops up from time to time. Nothing derails progress in the gym more quickly and forcefully than dealing with an injury.

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