Nitty Gritty of Nutrition Vol. 1 - It Starts with Mindset

So, picture this - you have been consistently getting to the gym a few times a week for the past month or so and not only is it becoming a bit of a habit, you are actually starting to enjoy it. The sense of grudging obligation that was once felt when you couldn’t come up with a good enough reason to not show up is replaced with a twinge of excitement each time you pull into the gym’s parking lot.

The exercises you have been doing don’t suck quite as much as they used to, you don’t involuntarily let out a groan each time you get up from a chair, and the confidence that has been gained between your ears has translated down into your muscles and joints and you just feel better.

You decide that the next logical step for you to take is to put a little more effort and energy into what you are putting into your mouth. You head to the Google search bar on your phone and type into it some amalgamation of words relating to nutrition, ready to learn some things … And then - wham! You get hit with a whole bunch of stuff from a whole bunch of people that seemingly is one contradiction after another.

Eat more  … no, eat less … don’t eat before noon … carbs are the devil … but, moderation is key … Eggs are bad … and so is dairy … jk, they are actually like the best thing ever … unless you cook them in butter … but, that’s better than seed oils … go vegan … haha, you think you could actually not eat bacon … eat more protein … but, will that make me too bulky? …

Whew, I just kind of stressed myself out and I actually have a Master’s Degree in some of this exercise-y health stuff. If that is at all relatable, please do me a favor and do exactly as I say next.

Deep breath in … Deep breath out. Follow the advice of Detective Marcus Burnett and just let out a nice calming woosahhh.

We get a lot of questions at the gym about nutrition and I plan on diving into it over the course of the next few weeks, months, who knows - maybe even years. But, the value of the practical nutritional advice pales in comparison to the mindset you have and the headspace you are in when those conversations take place.

Try not to get overwhelmed. I understand that is easier said than done and with everyone having a microphone to spew whatever agenda they may have, you are often left to fend for yourself wading through the waters of nutritional murk.

Don’t major in the minutia, don’t try to go from zero to a hundred from the jump, and give yourself some grace.

In general - take small and incremental steps that are compatible with all the craziness of life, eat more protein and vegetables, drink more water, and don’t beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon a little bit.

In the future, I will share some more actionable insights, tips and tricks, and look through my lens to break down some of the information that’s out there to help you along the way. But, it all starts with your mindset and without having a positive relationship with what is on your plate, the impact of all of that will miss the mark.


Nitty Gritty of Nutrition Vol. 2 - Add Before You Take Away


For Every 5 Workouts …